
New Marketing Boss For ITV

New Marketing Boss For ITV

ITV Logo David Pemsel has been appointed as ITV’s group marketing director, following the departure of Clare Salmon at the end of last year.

Pemsel, who joined ITV in October 2005 as marketing director, will be responsible for ITV’s overall marketing strategy including on and off-air marketing for the broadcaster’s branded channels, trade marketing, media planning and programme publicity.

Before joining ITV Pemsel held senior marketing roles with Shine, St Lukes and Ogilvy and Mather.

Ian McCulloch, ITV’s commercial director said: “David has done a phenomenal job in the last year in outlining a clear and deliverable on and off-air marketing strategy for the ITV channels.

“As viewer choice proliferates, marketing takes on an ever more vital role for broadcasters and we are confident that David and his team have the vision, expertise and experience to take ITV’s marketing strategy forward as we approach a fully digital world.”

Pemsel said: “ITV has transformed itself from a one channel linear broadcaster to a multi-channel, multi-media business and the challenge for me and my team is to develop a fully rounded marketing strategy that unifies all areas of the business from our successful portfolio of digital channels to ITV.com as well as ITV1.

“This is a great opportunity at a very exciting time for ITV and I am very much looking forward to taking up this new role.”

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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