New Media Round-Up moved up from third place to become the most popular online advertiser during November. The site gained exposure among 5511,000 individual at-home internet users throughout the month and commanded a 37.4% digital reach. slipped from the top spot in October to become the fourth most popular online advertiser during November. The site was visited by 4,792,000 individual users throughout the month and achieved a 32.5% reach of the total UK at-home internet universe. entered the table in ninth position with visits from 2,996,000 unique at-home users and a 20.3% digital reach during November. The growth of online shopping in the run up to Christmas led to becoming the tenth most popular online advertiser during November. The site gained exposure among 2,888,000 individual internet users and achieved a 19.6% reach of the total UK at-home internet universe. continued to command the most page impressions with an average of 10.4 per user.

New Media News Round-Up
- The number of sites on the internet fell by 182,142 between November and December 2001, according to the latest monthly survey by Netcraft. The survey shows that the number of registered domains dropped month on month as a result of some organisations going bust, others swapping software and the effects of the Code Red virus.
- Yahoo! has won a bidding battle for the online career site Yahoo is expected to pay $436m for the site after the owner of rival recruitment website,
- Britain’s leading companies are “woefully inadequate” at providing corporate information on their websites, according to a new study by the Interactive Bureau. The study shows that half of the companies listed on the FTSE 100 blue-chip share index do not give their share price on their websites and a quarter do not explain the nature of their business on their home page.
- A survey by US employment firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas has found that the number of internet job cuts made by US internet firms in December 2001 was the smallest in 18 months indicating that the sector may have seen the worst of the downturn. The survey shows that 2,403 jobs were shed during December, down from 2,901 in November and well below the 10,549 shed in December last year.
- Friendsreunited has unveiled plans to expand its site with a section dedicated to old work colleagues. The new service will allow people to trace former work colleagues with whom they have lost touch. Users will be able to search under the names of their former employers in the same way as the current site links to schools.
- Web research firm ComScore has said 2001 holiday internet sales are on track to grow nearly 15% from last year to around $10.5 billion. ComScore, which tracks online surfing and spending trends and supplies data to industry research firms, said the results would surpass its forecast for fourth-quarter sales of $10 billion to $10.25 billion.
Other Recent New Media Stories Feature: Recruitment Websites End of Year News Round-Up: New Media 53% Of UK Adults Use The Internet
NetValue Definitions: Internet universe: The number of households connected to the internet during the reference period multiplied by the number of active users per household to provide the total internet universe in that month. Internet user: An internet user is an individual who has connected to the internet at least once during the reference period. Reach: Unique visitor reach (%) represents the percentage of unique internet users who connected at least once during the reference period. Unique visitor Reach (000) represents the number of unique projected internet users who connected at least once during the reference period. Impressions: Number of times (in millions) that an ad has been downloaded by a selected target during the reference period.
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