
New Research Showcases Cinema Ad Effectiveness

New Research Showcases Cinema Ad Effectiveness

New research released today by the Cinema Advertising Association (CAA) reveals that a massive 85% of cinema goers agree they usually watch cinema commercials as part of the cinema experience.

The FAME (Film Audience Measurement and Evaluation) research, which measures and investigates cinema audience behaviour, found that the highest penetration in terms of demographics was with the 35-44 age group, women and ABC1s.

The impact of big screen advertising adds to the experience of commercials, the research found, with half of cinema goers agreeing they were likely to talk about an ad they had seen at the cinema.

Other cinema advertising formats proved incredibly effective, with over three quarters taking note of foyer posters – rising to 80 per cent among 15-24 year olds. Almost every cinema goer (95%) notices all advertising in foyers – a location where advertisers have an average of eighteen minutes to engage with consumers.

FAME also found that newer cinema media channels have huge potential to add value for brands. Over half (55%) of cinema goers would download something for free via Bluetooth – rising to 72% among the 15-24 age group.

In addition the research, undertaken by TNS, investigated cinema advertising exposure against other channels. For example, 35% of cinema goers have a PVR in their household, and of these over half claim to skip ads every time on TV. Four out of five of those who skip ads every time on TV usually watch the advertising in the cinema.

Despite growing concerns over film piracy and increasing home cinema ownership, cinema remains the preferred place to watch both films (94%) and trailers (82%). Indeed, cinema is still the most popular out-of-home activity overall at 87%, streets ahead of attending concerts (44%), visiting the theatre (46%) and theme parks (45%). It also ranks highly against other in-home entertainment pass times – more popular with consumers than surfing the internet (83%), listening to music (74%) or playing computer games (58%).

Anna Cremin, research manager for Pearl & Dean, said: “This research really demonstrates the reach and impact cinema advertising can deliver for brands. Audiences are engaged, and in a receptive mind to advertising communications. When you add the impact a cinema ad can have into the equation and the way cinema can reach specific audience demographics, this makes for an incredibly attractive proposition for brands.”

A recent global forecast from Carat said that cinema ad growth would be just behind that of digital, the top performing segment, in 2009 (see Global Adspend Forecast To Grow 4.9% in 2009).

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