
Newspaper ABCs: Only a handful of titles record growth

Newspaper ABCs: Only a handful of titles record growth

September was a poor month for the entire newspaper market, with only a handful of titles recording any circulation gains from the previous month.

In the daily market just two titles were up: the Financial Times and the Guardian.

The FT recorded growth of 4%, shifting an extra 7,000 copies, while the Guardian was up by just 0.6% (just 800 extra copies on August’s numbers). The Metro – total UK footprint – record no change.

Elsewhere, in both the daily and the Sunday markets, all titles were down. Overall, the daily market suffered a -1.2% decline, while the Sunday market was down -1.8%.

Meanwhile, the London free press saw City A.M. up 1.3%, while the Evening Standard was down -0.2% and the Metro -0.5%.

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