
Newspaper ABCs: Times, FT and i continue to see growth

Newspaper ABCs: Times, FT and i continue to see growth

Daily market

After two months of growth in the quality market, there was a return to the now familiar declines for the Daily Telegraph and the Guardian, down -1.5% and -2.2%, respectively.

However, the remainder of the quality market has maintained its growth levels, with the Times up 0.3%, the i up 0.5% and the Financial Times up 1.3%.

Over the year, the Times is looking solid – up 10.3%, adding almost 41,000 extra copies. The i, too, was up over the year, adding an extra 5,700 to its circulation (+2%).

Elsewhere in the national daily market a host of small declines marked the start of summer. Every title was down, although only slightly, with just the Sun remaining flat with no change since April.

Overall, the daily newspaper market was down -0.3% month on month and down -2.6% over the year.

Free press, London market

After some minor period increases in circulation, the London free press was up 0.2% compared with April – an extra 3,000 copies.

City A.M. recorded the highest monthly gain, up 0.8%, followed by the Evening Standard (0.3%).

Metro London was down just -0.1%.

Sunday market

May was a relatively stable month for Sunday newspaper circulations, with the overall market down just -0.2% over the period.

Like their daily counterparts, the biggest losses came from the Observer (-2.6%) and the Sunday Times (-2.4%) in the quality market, followed by the Sunday Post (-2%) and Mail on Sunday (-1.7%) in the mid market.

Living up to its name, the popular market was home to the biggest monthly increases in circulation, with the Sun on Sunday up 2.6% and Daily Star Sunday up 1.5%.

The only other title to record an increase was the Sunday Telegraph, up 0.1%.

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