
NRS Hopes For Clearer Analysis On New Data

NRS Hopes For Clearer Analysis On New Data

Newspapers Today sees the National Readership Survey (NRS) release new data sets for journalists and media commentators, intended to avoid conclusions being drawn on less statistically significant readership changes.

The new data sets, covering the six and twelve month periods ending June 2005, are available to NRS subscribers from today and will be updated every quarter.

The figures cover all adult readership, together with period-on-period comparisons, to cover the periods ending September, December, March, June and so on. NRS hopes the new data will help commentators draw more solid conclusions and make it easier to identify and quantify changes in the survey’s readership estimates.

The new data sets show NRS Average Issue Readership estimates sorted by publication group, such as daily newspapers, Sunday newspapers and general weekly magazines. Almost all NRS audited titles are now reported on the 12-month base, while only those with a sufficient sample size are reported on the 6-month base.

NRS: 020 7242 8111 www.nrs.co.uk

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