
OAA And RAB Join Forces To Research Radio And Outdoor Advertising

OAA And RAB Join Forces To Research Radio And Outdoor Advertising

The Outdoor Advertising Association (OAA) and Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) have joined forces to explore the area of multi-media effects and advance understanding of the media combination of radio and outdoor.

As a first stage, the OAA/RAB team has commissioned research company Acacia Avenue to conduct qualitative research exploring the effect this combination of media stimulus has on the consumer’s brain and how this differs from the individual media working in isolation.

This initial stage will be followed by the OAA/RAB working with individual advertisers to help them understand how radio and outdoor combined have specifically contributed to their business in terms of ROI.

Commenting on the research, Mark Barber, planning director of RAB said: “There is a lot of belief in the media would that radio and outdoor make a highly effective combination. We are delighted to be collaborating with the OAA in furthering knowledge of what the two media offer when combined, beyond just the complementary functional media attributes.”

Alan James, chief executive of the OAA continued: “The OAA is extremely please to be working with the RAB. This is an exciting initiative that will give clients and media planners valuable insights into the effects of combining outdoor and radio.”

He added: “We believe there are complementary characteristics of the two media that mean that campaigns that combine them will have a particularly potent impact on consumers. The collaboration between the OAA and the RAB is a landmark and marks the beginning if an era of close co-operation between the two organisers.”

Out-of-home (OOH) media saw total advertising expenditure of $5.5 billion in the US during 2004, a massive increase of 91% over this last decade, and is forecast to continue the upward trend, according to a recent study from Mediaedge:cia (see Outdoor Advertising One Of The Fastest Growing Media).

The report predicts that OOH advertising will enjoy strong growth compared to online and broadcast rivals.

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