
Ofcom To Be Fully Operational By December This Year

Ofcom To Be Fully Operational By December This Year

Ofcom, the new super-regulator for the media and communications industry, is to be up and running and ready to take on its full responsibilities by mid-December this year.

The regulator’s recently appointed chief executive, Stephen Carter (see Carter Set For Chief Executive Role at Ofcom), has informed staff across the five existing bodies that Ofcom will replace, that he expects everyone in London who is joining the super-regulator, to be accommodated in the new headquarters at Riverside House by Monday 15 December.

Carter said: “When Ofcom is fully formed our statutory responsibilities will include the importance of creating and promoting a dynamic communications market, underpinned by limited and effective intervention through a constructive and mutually respectful relationship with stakeholders.”

He added: “Ofcom will also be a reach out regulator that embraces consumer protection through the promotion of effective competition and choice, whilst being informed by modern citizenship.”

Carter, who was formerly chief executive of troubled cable company NTL, said the creation of Ofcom provided an opportunity to create a new, leaner, effective and important organisation.”

The timetable for the transfer of powers is currently being discussed by the Government and it is expected that Ofcom’s full power will be in place by the end of the year, subject to the passage of the of the Communications Bill through Parliament.

Commenting on the announcement Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Patricia Hewitt, said: “This is excellent news. The careful advance planning will ensure that everything is lined up for a smooth transition to Ofcom, once the powers are granted. This clear target date will provide a focus for all organisations involved to move seamlessly into the new converged regime.”

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