
On-Demand TV Set To Take Off, says Informa Media

On-Demand TV Set To Take Off, says Informa Media

According to a report released today by Informa Media, on-demand TV is ‘about to take off’ with revenues set to rise by over 500% by 2007.

Global ‘On Demand’ TV Forecasts By Region 
Households (000)         
   2000  2001  2002  2007 
Asia Pacific 4,015 7,670 15,170 93,010
Europe 16,793 23,279 28,969 73,467
North America 25,610 33,994 44,477 98,943
Latin America 2,780 4,226 5,809 15,990
Total 49,197 69,169 94,425 281,410
Revenues ($ million)         
   2000  2001  2002  2007 
Asia Pacific 123 220 380 1,889
Europe 583 958 1,265 3,257
North America 1,203 1,721 2,320 6,240
Latin America 81 139 212 762
Total 1,990 3,039 4,177 12,149
Source: Informa Media Group, 02.04.02
The report, On-Demand TV – 2nd Edition, forecasts that by 2007 281 million homes will take TV on-demand services generating movie revenues of $12 billion.

In 2000, just 49 million homes had access to on-demand movies and total revenue generated by this medium was $2 billion. In 2001, these totals grew to 94 million and $4 billion respectively.

Informa believes that the 2007 totals do not represent a ‘mature’ market and forecasts that take-up and revenue will continue to grow beyond 2007.

North America will account for 51% of on-demand revenue in 2007 but only 35% of homes. Europe will have over 73 million homes connected, less than 17 million took on-demand services in 2000.

Digital cable and DTH will dominate the market for the next five years with ‘near’ video on demand – staggered showings of movies. Beyond 2007, ‘true’ video on demand will become widespread with customers able to purchase movies as and when they wish to be delivered via cable digital, DTH or newer platforms still.

Global Forecasts Summary By Platform 
  2000  2001  2002  2007 
Households (000)         
Cable NVoD 14,043 24,938 44,107 176,570
DTH NVoD 34,795 43,423 48,553 70,697
Cable VoD 0 147 465 16,645
DSL VoD 360 660 1,300 17,497
Total  49,197  69,169  94,425  281,410 
Revenues ($ million)         
Cable NVoD 532 998 1,689 6,690
DTH NVoD 1,446 2,013 2,420 3,762
Cable VoD 0 7 22 916
DSL VoD 12 21 45 781
Total  1,990  3,039  4,177  12,149 
Source: Informa Media Group, 02.04.02

Near video on demand (NVoD) cable homes will constitute 88% of total on-demand homes by 2007 and will generate 86% of total revenues. NVoD digital DTH will bring in 25% of homes and 31% of revenues. VoD cable subscriptions will reach 17.5 million homes, or 6% of the total, although these homes will account for only 8% of revenues. DSL VoD movie revenues will total $781 million.

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