
On-line Teenagers Are ‘Influencers’ Says Jupiter

On-line Teenagers Are ‘Influencers’ Says Jupiter

By 2008, 22 million teenagers are expected to be using the internet says a new report from Jupiter Research.

The report says that 17% of online teenagers spend eight hours or more on the internet a week, describing them as highly active online ‘influencers’. Girls make up 53% of the influencers by shopping and chatting to friends via the internet and spreading word about latest fashion trends and products.

Although the number of online teenagers is growing, overall the percentage of 13 – 17 year old internet users will fall from 11% to 10% by the end of 2008 says the report.

As well as being a good marketing target, teenager’s are also big online spenders. On average, a teenager spends $244 shopping online and this is expected to reach $386 by 2008 says Jupiter Research.

The report, based on a survey of 1,800 teenagers, aged 13 to 17, says a teenager spends seven hours a week on-line compared with 10 hours a week watching television.

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