
One In Nine UK Teens Online At Home

One In Nine UK Teens Online At Home

According to the latest figures from NetValue, 1.5 million under 17s are now connected to the internet at home which represents a 44% increase in the last six months and the UK now has more under-17 net users than any other European country. Under 11s account for 249,000 users in the UK whilst 1,236,000 users are aged between 11 and 16.

Big attractions fot this group included downloading music and video clips (35.8% of those online) and instant messaging (33.8%). Games were less popular with only 5.2% claiming that they logged on to play online. German teens spend most time online averaging almost 11 hours in March, this is more than twice the average for the rest of Europe, and they also connect most frequently. American and British teens spent an average of around 6 hours online in March.

The report also claims that Norway has the largest under 17 net population, as a percentage of all users, with the UK second ahead of the US and many other European countries.

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