
One-Tenth of The Global Population Now Online, Says Report

One-Tenth of The Global Population Now Online, Says Report

Almost 10% of the worldÂ’s population now has access to the web according to a new report from Nua Internet Surveys.

Based on data collected from a variety of sources, Nua estimates that the global internet audience had increased to 580.78 million users by the end of May 2002. This represents an increase of 36.58 million users since February when the total online population stood at 544.2 million people.

The study also found that Europe now has the highest number of internet users in the world. 185.83 million individuals from across the continent have access to the web compared with 182.67 million in North America.

The Asia/Pacific market continues to expand but internet uptake in the developing world is still hindered by poor telecommunications infrastructure with the result that only 8% of all web users are based in Latin America, the Middle East or Africa.

Global Internet Users, By Region (million) 
Region  Users 
Africa 6.31
Asia/Pacific 167.86
Europe 185.83
Middle East 5.12
Canada & USA 182.67
Latin America 32.99
Total  580.78 
Source: Nua Internet Surveys, August 2002 

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