
Online Ad Complaints To ASA Rise 33% Year On Year

Online Ad Complaints To ASA Rise 33% Year On Year

ASA Logo The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Annual Report for 2006 has revealed that 2,421 ads were changed or withdrawn as a result of ASA action during the year.

Although the total number of complaints lodged with the ASA fell by 14.5% (to 22,429) on the previous year, a record number of ads – 12,842 – were complained about.

Mirroring the growing importance of the internet in UK advertising, the number of complaints about advertising in this medium rose by 33%. Religious offence, violent imagery and same-sex kisses dominate the listing of the top ten most complained about ads of the year.

The report also shows that the self-regulatory system has responded to public policy concerns; the ASA made its first adjudication under the new, stricter alcohol rules in 2006 and public consultations were launched on the introduction of new rules for gambling advertising and on food advertising aimed at children on television.

The most complained about media was TV with 8,594 complaints, followed by national press with 3,370, the internet with 2,066, direct mail with 1,592, and poster at 1,443.

40% of complaints concerned broadcast advertising, which was a drop from 51% in 2005.

Launching the Annual Report, ASA Chairman, Lord Borrie QC, said: “2006 may have seen a rise in the number of ads attracting complaints, but, pleasingly, the proportion of ads falling foul of the advertising codes did not rise.

“The internet is now the second most complained about non-broadcast advertising format – a rise unmatched by any other media. Yet the boundaries of regulatory responsibility online are still unclear. The industry needs to address this issue quickly so that consumer faith in online messages can be as high as it is for advertising that appears in traditional formats.”

ASA: 020 7580 5555 www.asa.org.uk

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