
Online Competes With TV For Youth Market

Online Competes With TV For Youth Market

81% of children aged between the ages of eight and 11 have a computer at home, just slightly less than the 95% that have a television set at home, according to a new report by market research company Youth Trends.

87% of the age group also access the internet from their home computers, with around 70% going online from home. Youth Trends reported that 60% of the demographic category with web access from home go online at least once a day, with an additional 33% saying they go online at least once a week.

37% said they have used instant messaging in the last month, while 35% have played games, 31% have visited sites geared toward youngsters, 30% sent an e-greeting card, 23% posted photos, and 18% watched music or video clips. 46% said their parents have bought something for them online.

The research group also asked youngsters about their advertising preferences. 37% expressed a preference for free samples, 24% said they liked catalogues sent via postal mail, and 22% chose movie theatre ads. Just 15% counted TV commercials amongst their preferred forms of advertising, while11% said they liked online ads.

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