
Online Population Watching Less Television, Says Report

Online Population Watching Less Television, Says Report

Approximately 40% of US internet users spend more time online than they do watching TV, according to new research from BURST! Media.

The online ad sales company surveyed 5,000 web users and almost 27% admitted to watching less television than they did a year ago. The main protagonists would appear to be those in the 25-44 age range, 43% of whom spend more time on the internet than they do in front of the television. By contrast, those at either end of the age spectrum (ie under-18s and over-65s) appear to have maintained their appetite for TV.

The BURST! findings complement a recent report by the University of Southern California which also investigated the effect of the internet on television consumption (see Internet Responsible For Lifestyle Changes, Says Study). However BURST! plays down the correlation between internet experience and the amount of time users spend online. Almost 52% of web veterans (7+ years of experience) stated that they spent more time with the net than with TV but as many as 29% of respndents with less than one year of experience said the same.

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