
Online Publishers Face Growing Gap In Skills

Online Publishers Face Growing Gap In Skills

AOP Logo The Association of Online Publishers has released its 2006 Census, revealing a drastic shortage of skills required by the online publishing industry.

The research reveals unfilled vacancies in almost three quarters of AOP member companies, compared with 58% in 2005.

In addition, publishers rated difficulty in recruitment and retention as one of the biggest constraints on the growth of their business.

The AOP has plans to address the situation, however, and is working with its members to identify staffing needs, and with third parties to meet demand across the online publishing industry.

Bill Murray, chairman of the AOP and managing director of group business information strategy for Haymarket Publishing, said: “We shouldn’t be surprised that as our industry develops at such a pace that there is something of a lag in the arrival of talented, skilled people to help us take advantage.

“The great news is that there can’t be a more challenging, rewarding and dynamic area for people either considering or already developing a career in media than in online publishing. In many respects, our challenge is to make sure we are properly publicising and explaining to the broader employment market just how exciting these opportunities are and just what great brands and businesses they can contribute to amongst our membership.”

According to the AOP’s data, 61% of member businesses have increased the headcount within their online departments, compared with 40 percent in 2005, signalling an increased focus in the sector. In the last year alone, 429 jobs were created by the organisations surveyed,

The coming months also look set to see high recruitment drives by online operators, with more than half of the respondents to AOP’s census anticipating an increase in sales and marketing staff, while 40% anticipated that technical/design skills will increase in importance over the next two to three years.

Research and analytics positions were also cited as an important area for recruitment in the future, with 20% of respondents expecting an increase in the sector.

Association Of Online Publishers: 020 7400 7562 www.ukaop.org.uk

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