
Over 65s Want Support To Go Online

Over 65s Want Support To Go Online

Ofcom Logo Ofcom’s consumer panel has released results of a survey which says that more over 65s would use the internet if they had the right support.

The market survey shows that in the take-up of the internet 56% of people aged over 65 voluntarily excluded themselves compared to the national average of 22%. The survey also reveals that ownership of digital television (DTV) for people aged 65 and over is 20% below the UK average. Overall, says the survey, people’s engagement with technology begins to decline significantly after the age of 55.

However, over 65’s attitudes towards PCs and the internet were very different to DTV. DTV was regarded as accessible and mainstream, even by those that did not regard themselves as technically minded, whereas attitudes towards PCs and the internet were much more polarised.

In addition, the survey reveals that only one in three of the age group owns either a mobile, digital TV, landline or has access to the internet, with over half saying that online access would be of no benefit to them, although two thirds of those who said they would not use the internet said that they would change their minds if they received the right sort of training, for example, via training courses taught by people in the same age group.

Ofcom Consumer Panelwww.ofcomconsumerpanel.org.uk

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