
Over Half The UK Have Access To Net

Over Half The UK Have Access To Net

The UK has experienced exceptional broadband uptake, with over half the UK population having access to the medium, according to a new report published by internet research specialists Nielsen//NetRatings.

The new data reveals that 32.3 million people have access to the internet, with the number of pages viewed per month increasing by 17% on January last year, from around 855 to 1,000 pages.

Search engines, portals and communities continue to dominate the most visited sites category, attracting around 87% of users. Telecom and internet services follows, drawing in an average of 80% of web users, while sites for computer and electrical consumer goods managed 72%.

The impressive penetration of broadband is good news for advertisers, with recent research from Starcom UK Group attributing the 52% increase in online advertising expenditure seen in 2004, to the uptake of broadband (see UK Online Advertising Enjoys Dramatic Growth).

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