
Personalised TV Backed By EU Project

Personalised TV Backed By EU Project

The European Union has unveiled plans of its new â‚Ź7.5 million project that will allow TV-buffs to manipulate films to make a more personalised version.

The New Media For A New Millennium (NM2) project, aims to allow viewers to participate in story lines that they create, as well as being able to have an input to the set and props used on a show.

The three year project, which focuses on on seven products, will develop the technology needed to allow viewers to change the content of films to suit their requirements.

According to BBC News On-line, one of the first experiments, which is being held in Finland, is where the plot will be driven by text messages from the TV audience. Participants will text selected words which will impact how the characters will interact with each other.

NM2’s technical project manager, Dr Doug Williams, said: “The TV at the moment is a relatively dumb box which receives signals. This project is about teaching the machine to look at content like Lego blocks that can be reassembled to make perfect sense. At the moment we have interactive gaming and a limited form of interactive TV which usually means allowing audiences to vote on shows. We are hoping to occupy the space in-between.”

BT is one of the 13 partners involved in the project, the role of telecoms giant will be to provide software that was originally designed to spot anomalies in CCTV pictures.

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