
Portable Media Devices Becoming More Popular

Portable Media Devices Becoming More Popular

A new report from In-Stat claims that portable devices for playing media are becoming more popular than ever before.

The In-Stat report forecasts that digital radio receivers will reach 26 million unit shipments worldwide by 2010.

It adds that the worldwide market for ‘edutainment’ toys is expected to hit 81 million units by 2010.

In addition, the report says that portable media player shipment growth is expected to slow as a result of the widening market penetration of these devices.

Towards the end of last year, comScore Networks published the results of a survey which showed that the owners of digital music players in the US represent an attractive audience for consumer electronics advertisers (see Owners of Digital Music Players Have High Affinity For Online Shopping).

Meanwhile, eMarketer has said that more people are expected to watch TV and video content this year, with audiences watching via television, the internet, PCs and portable devices (see Key Predictions For 2007).

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