
Publicis Confirms BCom3 Merger Details

Publicis Confirms BCom3 Merger Details

The details of the merger between French advertising group, Publicis, and privately-owned US agency, BCom3, have been confirmed by Publicis in an analysts meeting in Paris this morning (see Publicis And BCom3 Poised For Merger). The deal is valued at €3.4 billion.

Publicis is to acquire 100% of BCom3 and Japanese agency Dentsu, which owns 22% of BCom3, is to become a ‘large and stable shareholder’ in Publicis.

The merged company will be the fourth largest advertising network in the world and the second largest media planning and buying network. About 45% of its revenues will come from the US, with 24% from Europe and 31% the rest of the world.

The tie-in with Dentsu also gives Publicis access to the Japanese market and clients – the two intend to ‘share knowledge, research and learning’. Dentsu is to take a 15% equity ownership of Publicis under the terms of the deal.

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