
Record Quarter For US Broadband Providers

Record Quarter For US Broadband Providers

Major US cable and DSL providers added a combined total of more than two million high-speed internet subscribers in the third quarter of 2003, according to the latest figures from Leichtman Research Group.

Net additions for the quarter were the largest ever and half a million higher than in the previous quarter (see Broadband Growth Slows In The US). At the end of September, the leading broadband providers accounted for nearly 22.7 million high-speed internet subscribers.

Cable operators maintained a 64% share of the market against DSL, accounting for almost 14.5 million high-speed internet subscribers. Nonetheless, DSL providers had a record quarter with nearly 800,000 net additional subscribers, representing 39% of the net high-speed internet additions for the quarter.

US Broadband Internet Subscribers Q3 2003 
   Net Additions  Total 
Major Cable Providers 1,246,218 14,471,146
Major DSL Providers 789,097 8,215,275
All Major Providers 2,035,315 22,686,421
Source: Leichtman Research Group, November 2003 

“High-speed internet growth in the third quarter of 2003 successfully rebounded from the previous quarterÂ’s results,” said Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for Leichtman Research Group. “However, the market was stimulated by nearly every major broadband provider offering aggressive discounts for new subscribers. Without these promotions, this level of growth may prove to be difficult to maintain.”

Merrill Lynch calculates that US broadband penetration will reach 21% at the close of 2003, rising to 30% in 2005 (see North American Broadband Forecasts From Merrill Lynch).

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