
Regional Press ABC Figures Do Not Paint Accurate Picture

Regional Press ABC Figures Do Not Paint Accurate Picture

ABC Logo The Newspaper Society has said that the ABC figures do not give an accurate picture of the regional press sector because they do not include figures for multi-media platforms, such as internet sites.

According to the Press Gazette, the NS is planning to develop a “multimedia portfolio audience currency for the regional press”. Working with JICREG and ABC Electronic, the NS said it is building a database of regional press print and online platforms, thought to be the first stage in creating a system of combined audience reach.

The Society has set up a small group of regional press research, circulation and readership experts with the aim of achieving a system of audience measurement and reporting that mirrors a wider portfolio of all mediums that form the regional press. The group is chaired by Mark Rix of the Manchester Evening News, the paper that was dealt quite a blow from the latest ABC figures.

The NS argues that it has become increasingly difficult to analyse ABC circulation data within the current framework in any meaningful way, The latest NS Annual Industry Survey has shown a big increase in the number and variety of platforms offered by regional press publishers. The number of regional press websites increased from 509 in 2004 to 828 in 2005, while the number of stand-alone magazines and niche publications has grown from 400 to nearly 600. The number of regional press owned radio stations grew from 20 to 28. There were 16 launches of new regional newspaper titles.

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