
Regional Press Websites Increase

Regional Press Websites Increase

Man On The Internet New research from the Newspaper Society (NS) reveals that the number of regional press websites, radio stations and niche publications grew by between 21% and 25% in 2006.

The NS Annual Regional Press Survey, published today, shows the number of websites grew from 828 to 1102. The number of core regional newspaper titles went up slightly to 1303, while the number of stand-alone magazines and niche publications grew by 21% from 595 to 755.

NS president Russell Whitehair, chairman of NWN Media Limited, said: “The regional press is growing and reaching new audiences across its print and digital platforms. We know that 40 million people already read a local paper in print.

“Growth in local newspaper websites means they now collectively represent one of the top UK online properties, attracting an estimated 20 million unique users a month which would put it above the BBC, alongside Yahoo! and within striking distance of eBay, MSN and Google.”

Despite the huge growth in local press websites, online advertising revenues – which grew by 18.3 per cent in 2006 – accounted for just £71 million (2.5%) of total regional press ad revenues, with print contributing 94.5%.

Regional press turnover was £3.87 billion in 2006, with advertising and sponsorship revenue accounting for 73% of the total (£2.83 billion). The sector’s contribution to UK GDP (value added) was £2.08 billion.

The industry employs nearly 50,000 people, with over a quarter of these (26.6%) editorial staff and nearly a third (31.7%) commercial, advertising and marketing staff. Total numbers exclude an estimated 110,000 news deliverers.

The Annual Regional Press Survey is carried out by the NS to increase understanding of the regional press as a significant UK industry sector and employer.

Newspaper Society: www.newspapersoc.org.uk

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