
Research Predicts Rise In New Media Spend During 2003

Research Predicts Rise In New Media Spend During 2003

Marketing spend on new media campaigns is set to increase significantly during 2003, according to new research from communication management company, Jaywing.

The survey, which polled 100 senior marketers from a range of industry sectors, found that 40% were planning to increase their budgets for direct marketing campaigns using email, SMS, digital TV and the internet at the expense of traditional media over the next 12 months.

50% of respondents also claimed to be under increasing pressure to improve direct marketing performance despite smaller budgets and head-count reductions.

Dave Moore, head of new media at Jaywing’s sister company, Scope, commented: “General downward pressure on budgets is clearly playing a part in the growing popularity of new media as companies focus on more cost-effective and accountable ways of acquiring and retaining customers.”

Peter Simpson, commercial director at First Direct, added: “Three years ago, we were spending about 5% of our advertising budget on new media and the rest on press and outdoor. We now spend the bulk on new media, simply because its proving so much more effective in delivering new customers to us. Internet usage, especially broadband take-up, is highest among high-earning, busy young professionals who’ve quickly adopted new technology, and this is a key market for a lot of brands out there, including ours.”

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