
Rise Of Youth Mobile Market

Rise Of Youth Mobile Market

Consumers are increasingly using mobile phones as their primary means of communication, with new survey from Arbitron showing that 23.3% of respondents claimed to be mobile phone only users, while 23.1% said that, although they had access to a landline, they relied on their mobile.

A study released earlier this year from global market research group, NOP World Technology, showed that nearly half of 10 to 18 year olds in the US own mobile phones (see Nearly Half Of US Teens Own Mobile Phones).

The mKids Study analysed mobile phone ownership within the 10 to 18 year old age group and found that penetration among 12 to 14 year olds had increased to 40% in December 2004, up from 13% in February 2002. The research also revealed that 73% of 18 year olds own mobile phones, a 15% rise on 2002.

The Arbiton research also found that many of the mobile users surveyed were young, confirming the dramatic uptake of media content by the younger generation (see Rise Of Daily Media Exposure In US Teens).

A report published earlier in the year by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that children and teenagers in the US had increased their daily media exposure by more than an hour over the past five years, up to 8.33 hours per day, from 7.29.

Children’s bedrooms are increasingly becoming multi-media centres, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, with 68% of all 8-18 year olds having a television in their room and 49% a video game player. Rising numbers have a VCR or DVD player, up from 29% in 1999 to 54% currently, 31% have cable or satellite TV, 31% have a computer in their bedroom and 20% have internet access.

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