
Samsung and Yahoo! to launch internet enabled TVs

Samsung and Yahoo! to launch internet enabled TVs

Person Watching TV Samsung has signed a landmark deal with Yahoo! which will see the companies launch a series of flat screen HD TVs this spring allowing users to access the internet while watching TV.

Thanks to the Yahoo Widget Engine, UK users will be able to surf the internet and access services such as Flickr, YouTube and eBay while watching their favourite shows.

“We are in talks with a range of companies. Obviously this technology is hugely exciting and will open the door for people to access a new range of content,” said a spokesman.

The new TVs will be available in 13 countries this year: the UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

The service will be called Internet@TV – Content Service. The new sets are expected to be priced between £1,400 and £3,000.

Boo-Keun Yoon, Samsung executive vice president of visual display, said that the new service would allow users to interact with their TVs on a whole new level.

“It’s frankly way beyond just passively watching broadcasts and is no doubt the future of TV,” he said.

Samsung: www.samsung.com/uk

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