
Sky Sees Strong Uptake For Broadband TV Service

Sky Sees Strong Uptake For Broadband TV Service

Sky has released preliminary usage figures for its broadband TV service, Sky By Broadband, unveiling impressive adoption figures for its first three months.

More than 125,000 users have registered for the service, which enables subscribers to download films and sporting highlights direct to their PC.

The system works in a similar way to the BBC’s integrated Media Player (iMP) software, although Sky’s system offers much more generous digital rights management (DRM), with users able to keep content for up to 30 days in many cases, rather than the BBC’s seven day limit .

The service currently holds around 300 blockbuster and classic movies, with users able to select a title for immediate download. Sky hopes to increase this total to around 500 in the next few weeks, and eventually to more than 1,000 titles from the Sky Movies catalogue.

Customers are not restricted in terms of the number of movies downloaded, with the only limit being the bandwidth capabilities of the broadband connection.

Sky recently briefed analysts on its plans for future TV technology, setting out its plans to embrace IPTV and video on-demand next year, with a roll out of increased broadband and mobile services soon after.

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