
Slight US Advertising Rise In Q1, Signs Of Further Slow Recovery

Slight US Advertising Rise In Q1, Signs Of Further Slow Recovery

US media advertising spend saw a very slight increase in Q1 2002, according to figures just released by CMR. Revenue increased by just 0.4% over the same period last year, although it is the first year on year rise since Q1 2001.

CMR estimates that total adspend for Q1 2002 came in at $23.5 billion, compared to $23.4 billion in the previous period. Spanish language network TV performed well (up 17.5%), as did network radio (12.3%) and newspapers (8.5%). In addition, ad revenues for network TV (6.2%) and spot TV (2.5%) increased with the help of early spending in 2002, on Super Bowl XXXVI and the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, says CMR.

Cable TV saw the most substantial decline in ad revenues, dropping 15.9%; syndicated TV followed closely (down 14.4%). The internet, magazines and national newspapers all slipped, declining by 14.2%, 10.6% and 9.3% respectively.

US ADSPEND BY MEDIUM: Q1 2002 vs. 2001 ($ million) 
  Q1 2002  Q1 2001  % Change 
Network TV 5,563.7 5,218.5 6.2%
Cable TV 2,141.2 2,482.5 -15.9%
Spot TV 3,628.8 3,539.3 2.5%
Spanish Network TV 504.1 415.9 17.5%
Syndication 709.2 811.2 -14.4%
Magazines 3,293.6 3,644.0 -10.6%
Nat. Newspapers 710.1 776.1 -9.3%
Newspapers 4,688.3 4,290.5 8.5%
Sunday Mags 303.3 267.4 11.9%
Network Radio 208.1 182.5 12.3%
Nat. Spot Radio 474.3 433.3 8.7%
Internet* 699.1 798.0 -14.2%
Outdoor 581.6 549.4 5.5%
* Figures are based on CMRiÂÂ’s AdNetTrackUS database 
Source: CMR, May 2002 

“With 2001 behind us, ad spending is steadily coming out of its slumber, already showing some signs of recovery for the year,” said David Peeler, president and CEO of CMR. “With the upfront season in full swing [see Myers Upgrades US Ad Forecasts Following Promising Upfronts] and an overall positive first quarter standing, we expect to see modest increases in spending by the third quarter.”

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