
SUBtv Offers World Cup Sponsorship Packages

SUBtv Offers World Cup Sponsorship Packages

SUBtv Logo Student TV network SUBtv has launched a World Cup package, offering advertisers sponsorship opportunitied around the 63 matches screened by the network in student unions around the country.

Each package will run for four weeks, with SUBtv expecting a reach of 1.65 million students aged 18-24 through its network of 700 plasma screens in 90 universities.

The broadcaster currently has three packages left for sponsors, with those opting for the deal benefiting from the “unique, intense atmosphere” generated in student bars during the matches.

Each SUBtv sponsor is guaranteed 22.5 minutes of exposure during every World Cup match, utilising SUBtv’s innovative screen sidebar.

In addition to regular sponsorship, the SUBtv packages allow regionally tailored messages to be delivered, alongside optional interactive competitions run via SMS.

SUBtv hopes the sponsorship packages will entice advertisers with a unique opportunity to reach young people at a time when their attention is focussed fully on the screen.

Explaining the proposition, Peter Miles. chief executive of SUBtv, said: “England’s got its best chance to win the Cup since 1966, and with exams finished our audience will be tuning in to every match, ready to enjoy themselves and the atmosphere generated in the bars.”

SUBtv: www.jvtv.net

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