
Support For Grade On CRR

Support For Grade On CRR

Michael Grade, ITV chief executive, has the support of City analysts for his attempts to end the broadcaster’s contract rights renewal (CRR) mechanism.

However, according to a report in Broadcast magazine, he faces strong opposition from media buyers.

The report quotes a major media buyer as saying: “”Our clients want a bigger and stronger ITV, but they want to see it with CRR in place.

“Most of our clients remove a percentage of their money from ITV1 when its audiences are down, but what does not get reported is that 50% of the money taken out by the advertisers stays in the ITV family – they pump it into ITV2.”

The report also quoted Neil Johnston, head of TV at OMD UK, as saying: “ITV is a monopolist – it makes more money than any other broadcaster from advertising. A change in its favour would mean it could take a more dominant position, which would be bad for advertisers.”

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