
Switchover Plan Slammed By Border MPs

Switchover Plan Slammed By Border MPs

Remote Control Several MPs in ITV’s Border region are set to challenge culture secretary Tessa Jowell’s plans for digital switchover, claiming there is “complete uncertainty” over the Government’s plans to assist those who cannot afford new equipment required for the change.

Speaking to Broadcast, Liberal Democrat MP for Berwick upon Tweed, Alan Beith explained: “So far [the Government] have only given us the vaguest indicators of help available. They have no idea whether it’s a voucher or someone coming around.”

The MP also raised concerns that “unscrupulous” businesses could use switchover as a cover for providing costly or unnecessary aerial upgrades to unwitting consumers, citing evidence that this had already happened in some cases.

There are also concerns that the Government’s timescale for switchover is not precise enough, with a number of MPs preparing to lobby Tessa Jowell over the lack of detail. “If the government can’t come up with a proper conversion programme then they will have to delay it,” Beith stated.

Liberal Democrat MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, Tim Farron, also voiced concerns, stating that the Border region was being used as “a nice guinea pig” ahead of further regional switchover from 2008. “I am certain the switchover could be launched where the signal is more robust and stronger,” he said.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) announced last week that “assistance” would be available for those viewers aged over 75 or with disabilities (see Jowell To Endorse Switchover Date).

The Border region will be the first to lose its analogue TV signal in 2008, followed by Granada, HTV West, Grampian and Scottish TV in 2009. The Central, Yorkshire and Anglia regions are to be converted in 2010, while Meridian, Carlton/LWT, Tyne Tees and Ulster will face the switch in 2011. The final phase of switchover should be complete in 2012, when the Channel region switches to digital-only broadcasts (see Digital Switchover To Begin In Three Years).

DCMS: 020 7211 6200 www.dcms.gov.uk

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