
Thompson Spells Out His BBC Vision

Thompson Spells Out His BBC Vision

The BBC is to create annual savings of around £320m within three years, which will be redirected into programme making, by cutting 2,900 jobs, and moving 1,800 staff to Manchester.

Staff affected will be given three-month redundancy notices today.

BBC director general Mark Thompson laid out his three-part vision for the corporation:

“A bold new programme and content strategy, based above or around the idea of excellence; a transformation of the BBC into a state-of-the-art digital broadcaster; and an irreversible shift in the culture of the BBC towards simplicity, opportunity and creativity.”

Thompson embarked on the reviews as soon as he was installed as director general in May this year.

Some sources had estimated that cuts would be even more extensive ­ last weekend it was being suggested that as many as 6,000 of the 28,000 staff, would face redundancy.

Amongst those departments expected to be moving north – by 2009 at the earliest – are BBC Online, BBC Sports and most of BBC Radio Five Live.

Thompson has decided that there will be no complete sale of BBC Worldwide, which is targeted with doubling profits over the next two years. However, it is anticipated that non-core magazines and titles that don’t have links to BBC programmes, will be sold off.

In a decision that will please and appease many publishers, it is also clear that on-air trails for BBC magazines will not continue. This has been a constant thorn in the side of many for some years.

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