
Torin Douglas to retire as BBC media correspondent

Torin Douglas to retire as BBC media correspondent

Torin Douglas

Torin Douglas has taken voluntary redundancy from his role as the BBC’s Media Correspondent; he will be leaving at the end of May.

Torin joined the BBC in 1989, and has reported on the work of six BBC director generals, six BBC chairmen and a dozen cabinet ministers responsible for broadcasting and press issues.

He covered the royal family’s “annus horribilis” in 1992, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, and the ongoing debate over press and privacy. He has reported on the birth of BSkyB and the growth of the Murdoch empire, the ITV licence auction and mergers, and more than one BBC crisis.

Before joining the BBC, he worked for the Independent Broadcasting Authority, the Times, the Economist and the Independent, and presented LBC Radio’s media show.

He was awarded an MBE in the 2013 New Year’s Honours list for services to the community in Chiswick.

Fortunately for MediaTel Group and its clients, Torin will still be chairing MediaTel events and continuing his Year Ahead double act with Raymiond Snoddy.

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