
Trinity Mirror Delivers Positive Trading Update

Trinity Mirror Delivers Positive Trading Update

Newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror has today issued a trading update of their expected results, outlining a strong performance throughout 2004 in line with expectations.

Group advertising revenues, excluding titles in Ireland disposed in January 2004,have increased by 4.2%, for the five months to November 2004 year on year. The Regionals division has achieved advertising growth of revenue of 4.5% like for like and with the exception of motors, all categories have achieved growth, with a particularly strong performance by property.

The Nationals division has obtained an advertising growth of 2.8% in the same period, which reflects a 1.6% increase in the UK Nationals titles and a 6.1% increase for the Scottish National titles.

The group circulation revenues for the five months to November 2004 on a like for like basis, excluding the regional titles in Ireland, have increased by 3.3% year on year.

The sports division and the magazines and exhibitions divisions have achieved advertising growth of 14.5% and 2.8% respectively.

Trinity Mirror will announce its preliminary results for the 53 weeks ending 2nd January 2005 on the 3rd of March 2005.

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