
TV Market Round-Up – June 2007

TV Market Round-Up – June 2007

TV Remote Control June revenues increased for terrestrial channels by 4.5% year on year, although ITV1 was an exception as its revenue fell by 4.1%, likely due to the World Cup coverage dominating ITV1’s schedule this time last year (see England Score With Biggest World Cup Viewing Figures).

Channel 4 had a very good month as it saw its revenues rise by nearly 20% year on year, reaching £52.9 million, while Five also increased by over 15% over the month.

Satellite revenues continue to rise, with June seeing its revenues improve by 11.6% year on year.

Total Revenue Jun 06 Jun 07 % Change
ITV1 103,370,000 99,130,000 -4.1
C4 44,150,000 52,900,000 19.8
Five 18,640,000 21,530,000 15.5
GMTV 4,000,000 4,290,000 7.3
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 170,160,000 177,850,000 4.5
Total Satellite 61,070,000 68,140,000 11.6
Source: Agency Estimates

ITV Franchises

Following the trend from last month, Central continues to provide the largest percentage share of ITV1 revenue, despite a dip of 0.3% points year on year.

The best performing franchise area was Ulster which saw its share rise by 0.5% points.

West Country remained the provider of the smallest share at 2.19%, remaining relatively static year on year.

% Share of ITV Revenue by Franchise Jun 06 Jun 07 % Point Change
Scotland 7.16 7.08 -0.08
Anglia TV 7.41 7.55 0.14
Carlton 15.38 14.75 -0.63
LWT 10.92 10.95 0.03
Central 16.15 15.89 -0.26
North West/Border 9.71 9.71 0.00
Meridian 12.04 12.00 -0.04
West Country 2.05 2.19 0.14
Ulster (UTV) 2.83 3.31 0.48
HTV 5.96 6.19 0.23
Yorkshire/North East 10.37 10.37 0.00

Costs Per Thousand

The knock-on effect of last year’s World Cup on ITV1 has seen the price of Men increase by 7.2% year on year. The other featured audiences all declined in price, with Women seeing the largest reduction in CPT, of 14.6%.

For Channel 4, all our featured audiences cost more this June than last year, with Housewives with Children attaining the biggest increase, at over 34%.

Meanwhile, Five remains the cheapest terrestrial channel option across these audiences despite an across the board CPT increase, with Men seeing the smallest increase of just under 9%.

CPTs Adults Men Women Hwvs Hwvs/Ch ABC1 Adults
ITV1 6.55 17.60 10.42 9.81 48.60 18.42
% Ch YoY -6.5 7.2 -14.6 -11.3 -8.9 -1.3
Channel 4 7.19 18.45 11.77 11.28 38.54 16.66
% Ch YoY 29.0 22.9 33.0 31.6 34.4 26.6
Five 4.76 11.68 8.05 7.14 34.75 14.54
% Ch YoY 13.8 8.8 17.2 16.3 15.1 18.3

Commercial Impacts

The impact of last year’s World Cup could be felt at ITV1 in June, as its impact figures for Men and ABC1 Adults both dipped year on year. This was partialy offset by the Women audience increasing by over 12%.

Despite the return of ratings juggernaut Big Brother, Channel 4 saw its impacts on all our featured audiences slump, the biggest of which was felt amongst Housewives with Children, which declined by nearly 11%.

Five felt a mixed month across these audiences, with Men showing the largest increase of 6.2% year on year, likely due to the World Cup last June. A similar theme could be observed on satellite channels, as Men had a year on year increase of 32%.

All Total Broadcast’s featured audiences were up year on year, with Women peaking at 10.1% growth just ahead of Housewives by 2% points.

Impacts Adults Men Women Hwvs Hwvs/Ch ABC1 Adults
ITV1 17,818 6,625 11,193 11,890 2,400 6,332
% Ch YoY 2.6 -10.5 12.3 8.1 5.3 -2.9
C4 8,661 3,374 5,287 5,516 1,615 3,735
% Ch YoY -7.1 -2.5 -9.9 -9.0 -10.8 -5.3
Five 5,317 2,169 3,148 3,547 729 1,742
% Ch YoY 1.5 6.2 -1.5 -0.6 0.3 -2.3
Satellite 24,123 11,396 12,728 13,697 4,404 9,930
% Ch YoY 28.1 32.0 24.8 27.6 16.7 26.0
Total Broadcast 57,468 24,025 33,443 35,766 9,487 22,304
% Ch YoY 9.6 8.9 10.1 9.9 6.3 7.5

BARB: www.barb.co.uk

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