
UK app users increasingly happy to share their location

UK app users increasingly happy to share their location

A new study conducted by Verve shows that 73% of UK consumers now allow apps to access their mobile’s location, and one in ten (11%) always allow apps to do so.

40% of the 2,000 respondents surveyed said they feel most comfortable with weather apps accessing their location, while a third (33%) said the same for transport apps and 28% for social media.

However, advertisers and publishers wanting to take advantage of this must work hard to ensure the users’ experience isn’t compromised as over a third (34%) said they will immediately remove an app if they receive poorly targeted ads based on inaccurate location information.

Meanwhile, an additional 64% are less inclined to share their location if they feel concerned about their privacy, and 39% are worried it drains their phone’s battery life.

The research also shows that there are many other factors consumers consider before they share their location, such as knowing the information is securely stored (60%) and having the option to turn their location off at any time (59%).

In return for sharing their location, 38% of consumers expect to receive money-off coupons or special offers, and 22% expect up to date travel information.

“It’s clear consumers are becoming more accustomed to the idea of sharing their device’s location with apps, in exchange for useful or personalised services,” said Ian James, general manager of international at Verve.

“This information creates huge opportunities for publishers and advertisers who want to engage customers with memorable and personalised experiences.

“But to retain consumer trust and permission, publishers must be transparent about how that data is used, and brands must ensure resulting ads are both well-targeted and relevant. The industry has to step up its game to truly unlock the power and value of location marketing.”

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