
UK Gamers Positive About In-Game Ads

UK Gamers Positive About In-Game Ads

The results of a survey conducted by the Internet Advertising Bureau have revealed that two out of three UK gamers are positive about the brands they see advertised in games.

Over half of the 3,500 UK gamers surveyed said that they had seen an in-game advertisement in the past 12 months.

One third said that they would be quite or very likely to buy a product as a result of seeing in-game ads.

Three out of four respondents said that in-game advertising is ok as long as it is in the right context, with 40% of respondents saying that the realism was enhanced in games by the addition of advertising.

86% of respondents said that they would welcome more advertising if it meant that game prices would fall, although 14% said that advertising in games ruined the experience.

A recent report from Microsoft’s Massive said that in-game ads have a positive impact on metrics like brand familiarity, ad recall and ad rating – even increasing purchase consideration by an average of 41% (see In-Game Ads Increase Purchase Consideration).

A study from Double Fusion and Interpret, published in July, showed that found that 75% of gamers engage with at least one ad per minute across most game types (see Gamers Engaging With In-Game Ads).

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