
UK Online Revenue Overtakes Cinema In 2000

UK Online Revenue Overtakes Cinema In 2000

UK online advertising revenue was for the first time greater than revenue to cinema during 2000, according to a new survey from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The survey shows that internet advertising – in the UK at least – is continuing to grow at a faster rate than any other media previously.

The report says that, in spite of many commentators talking about a downturn in advertising expenditure on the Net, there has been a 203% annual growth in 2000, with each quarter growing by between 135% and 303% compared to the same quarter in 1999.

The total value of UK advertising expenditure online in 2000 was £154.7 million, up from £51 million in 1999 and £19.4 million in 1998. This is predicted to be greater than cinema for the first time, which will take around £128 million, according to forecasts.

“This is a major milestone for the industry, which shows every sign of continued growth against sluggish performance in all other sectors,” says the IAB.

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