
US Ad Demand Grows In September

US Ad Demand Grows In September

There was a slight increase in ad demand during September, according to a significant proportion of US media planners and buyers interviewed for a survey by MediaPost and InsightExpress.

Mediapost’s Ad Demand Index shows that 44% of those questioned said that demand for ad inventory was higher last month than in September 2002. By comparison, some 39% said the same in August about year-on-year growth (see Advertising Demand Picks Up Stateside).

In the latest survey, 49% stated that there had been no change in demand while just 7% reported a fall, compared to 18% in August. This is further evidence of growing confidence in the advertising industry although signs are that the recovery is somewhat muted (see US Ad Chiefs Cautious On Recovery Prospects).

The internet and cable television have been the main beneficiaries this year with over half of those surveyed seeing growth in these areas. Traditional media are proving less attractive, emphasised by the fact that more than a quarter of planners and buyers believe that demand for newspaper advertising has fallen in the past year.

Weak local advertising continues to inhibit the US newspaper market and Merrill Lynch recently cut its 2003 and 2004 growth forecasts to reflect this torpour (see Top Broker Trims Advertising Forecasts, Blames Local Ads).

US Ad Demand Relative To Last September, By Media 
  Increased  Same  Decreased  Net +/- 
Online 54% 35% 11% 43
Cable TV 51% 37% 12% 39
Radio 43% 43% 14% 29
Outdoor 33% 47% 20% 13
Magazines 29% 49% 22% 7
Network TV 24% 54% 22% 2
Newspapers 23% 41% 26% -3
All Media  44%  49%  7%  37 
Source: MediaPost/InsightExpress, September 2003 
US Ad Demand Relative To August – All Media 
   August  September  Change 
Increased 39% 44% +5 points
Stayed The Same 43% 49% +6 points
Decreased 18% 7% -11 points
Source: MediaPost/InsightExpress, September 2003 

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