
US Adults Watching More Online Video

US Adults Watching More Online Video

New research from Leichtman Research Group (LRG) found that 4% of all adults over age 18 in the United States watch video online at home daily and an additional 14% at least once a week.

LRG said that by comparison, 93% of adults spend at least one hour a day, on average, watching TV.

While total online video usage has increased in the past year, the percentage of adults watching online video remains relatively unchanged. A previous LRG survey conducted nine months earlier found that 4% of adults viewed online video at least daily and an additional 11% at least weekly.

These findings are based on a survey of 1,250 households nationwide, and are part of a new LRG study, Emerging Video Services.

The study also found that men aged 18-34 account for 41% of those who view video online on a daily basis, while comprising just 14% of the online subscribers sample.

Men aged 18-34 account for over two-thirds of adults who view YouTube and other user-generated content daily.

Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst for LRG, said: “As with most forms of media and entertainment, online video is following the traditional ‘heavy hand’ model of a minority of users driving the majority of the usage.

“Rather than replacing TV, in the near-term, emerging video services like online video are best viewed as opportunities to complement and augment traditional TV viewing options.”

A recent forecast from uSwitch.com said that downloading TV content via the internet is set to become this year’s broadband phenomenon (see IPTV To Take Off In 2007).

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