
US Advertising Grows 1.5% In First Quarter

US Advertising Grows 1.5% In First Quarter

US advertising spend rose by 1.5% year on year in the first quarter, according to preliminary figures from Nielsen Monitor-Plus, the advertising information service of Nielsen Media Research.

Hispanic television showed the greatest gain, at 15%, while national magazines grew 14%, and local newspapers rose almost 9%.
US Advertising Growth, Q1 2003 
  Year On Year Growth (%) 
Hispanic TV 15.1
National magazines 14.4
Local newspapers 8.9
Spot radio 3.9
Spot TV 1.4
Network radio 0.3
Syndication TV -4.8
National newspapers -5.0
Cable TV -5.1
Network TV -5.2
TOTAL  1.5 
Source: Nielsen Media Research, May 2003 

The decrease in television spending can be partly attributed to a strong first quarter in 2002, according to Nielsen. “Television greatly benefited in 2002 because of the advertising expenditures associated with the Olympics,” said Jeff King, managing director of Nielsen Monitor-Plus.

“Conversely, 2003 is disadvantaged because the Iraqi war resulted in some preemption of regularly scheduled shows and possibly contributed to a slowing of the overall advertising growth rate Expectations for total-year advertising revenue, based on optimistic predictions coming out of the TV upfront, certainly outpace the modest growth of the first quarter,” added King.

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