
US Cable Operators Value Digital And High-Speed Connection Over Video On Demand

US Cable Operators Value Digital And High-Speed Connection Over Video On Demand

Senior cable operator executives in the US project that 51% of households had access to digital services by the end of 2001, up from 40% a year earlier, according Jack Myers Report today.

Myers says that the US cable industry is set to put a new marketing push behind digital upgrades and high-speed data delivery and that it appears to be less dependent on growth of video-on-demand (VOD) revenues than has previously been reported (see Timing Video On Demand Launches Could Be Crucial For Cable Companies, Says Myers). These findings are part of a new study published last week by Myers Reports and funded by several basic cable programmers.

The report says that 76% of senior MSO (multiple service operator) and system executives consider digital upgrades and high speed cable modems to be ‘very important’ or ‘extremely important’ to their systems’ revenue growth in the next twelve months, compared to only 22% who consider VOD to be equally important.

“The investment community has been closely watching the performance of cable operators in delivering on the promise of increased digital revenues, and the operators appear to be sufficiently optimistic that their efforts to date have generated positive response,” says Jack Myers.

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