
US consumers still relying on newspaper ads

US consumers still relying on newspaper ads

US consumers say they rely on newspaper advertisements more than ads in any other medium when they are planning, shopping and making purchase decisions, according to a study commissioned by the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), conducted by MORI Research.

Other media, including the internet, trailed newspapers by 20 percentage points as the primary medium for checking advertising, the study found.

The research also found that 59% of US adults identify newspapers as the medium they use to help plan shopping or make purchase decisions.

In addition, 73% of US adults regularly or occasionally read newspaper inserts, and 82% have been spurred to action by a newspaper insert in the past month.

John Sturm, NAA president and CEO, said: “Newspaper advertising remains the most powerful tool for advertisers who want to motivate consumers to take action.”

A survey from The Rosen Group found that a majority of US adult consumers still consider print editions of newspapers and magazines indispensable sources of news and entertainment (see US adults still consider print media valuable entertainment source).

However, a report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press revealed that 42% of Americans say they would not miss reading their local newspaper if it were to shut down (see Local newspapers would not be missed by 42% of Americans).

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