
US ISP Market Will Consolidate Further, Says Cahners In-Stat

US ISP Market Will Consolidate Further, Says Cahners In-Stat

Despite the fact that there are well over 6,000 ISPs operating in the US, 65% of all access revenues in 2000 were generated by the top ten providers, according to Cahners In-Stat. Cahners forecasts that the weak economy will result in some of the smaller companies being unable to compete and that they will go out of business. This will lead to further consolidation in the ISP market.

Cahners also found that the largest ISP in 2000, in terms of revenue, was WorldCom/UUNet; the second largest was AT&T. Others with a significant market share were PSINet, Cable & Wireless, Sprint, Genuity, InterNap, XO Communications, Verio, and Qwest.

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