
US Magazine Advertising Suffers Further Declines

US Magazine Advertising Suffers Further Declines

Total US magazine advertising revenue for October totalled $1,629,475,871, according to the Publishers Information Bureau (PIB) representing a 9.6% decrease on October 2000 and total advertising pages for October were 23,237, down 16.8% on last year. Year-to-date advertising revenue decreased by 3.4%, $13,349,187,089 for the period January to October 2001, and ad pages for the same period were 197,251, down 10.1% on 2000.

Only five of the major advertising categories showed growth in October including: Direct Response Companies, Food & Food Products, Toiletries & Cosmetics, Home Furnishings & Supplies and Automotive.

Losses were most notable in Technology, Media & Advertising, Financial, Insurance & Real Estate, Public Transportation, Hotels & Resorts and Apparel & Accessories. These twelve categories are the most significant contributors to PIB revenue, comprising more than 85% of total advertising spending.

October 2000 vs October 2001 Magazine Advertising Statistics 
Sector  2001 Revenue  2000 Revenue  Change ($)  Change (%)  2001 Ad Pages  2000 Ad Pages  Page Change  % Change 
Automotive $168,425,352 $163,583,133 $4,842,219 3.00% 1,921.80 2,061.60 -139.8 -6.80%
Toiletries & Cosmetics $145,764,421 $136,951,494 $8,812,927 6.40% 1,830.40 1,857.20 -26.8 -1.40%
Apparel & Accessories $145,709,636 $166,181,776 ($20,472,140) -12.30% 2,622.20 3,310,3 -688.1 -20.80%
Home Furnishings & Supplies $128,332,573 $123,582,078 $4,750,495 3.80% 1,594.70 1,648.90 -54.2 -3.30%
Technology $117,197,636 $194,859,592 ($77,661,956) -39.90% 1,575.80 2,822.20 -1,246.40 -44.20%
Food & Food Products $116,600,389 $108,052,975 $8,547,414 7.90% 994.6 1,021.90 -27.3 -2.70%
Direct Response Companies $114,335,894 $100,842,896 $13,492,998 13.40% 1,904.40 1,878.50 -25.9 1.40%
Financial, Insurance & Real Estate $105,650,729 $140,092,862 ($34,442,133) -24.60% 1,371.60 1,925.10 -553.5 -28.80%
Drugs & Remedies $102,516,635 $112,794,716 ($10,278,081) -9.10% 1,070.50 1,264.60 -194.1 -15.30%
Retail $94,823,045 $104,502,565 ($9,679,520) -9.30% 1,539.50 1,877.20 -337.7 -18.00%
Media & Advertising $93,980,483 $131,396,477 ($37,415,994) -28.50% 1,155.70 1,699.30 -543.6 -32.00%
Transportation, Hotels & Resorts $66,439,431 $85,862,895 ($19,423,464) -22.60% 1,406.70 1,678.20 -271.5 -16.20%
Source: PIB 
January – October 2001 vs 2000 Magazine Advertising Statistics 
Sector  2001 Revenue  2000 Revenue  Change ($)  Change (%)  2001 Ad Pages  2000 Ad Pages  Page Change  % Change 
Automotive $1,356,707,709 $1,359,383,315 ($2,675,606) -0.20% 15,982.50 17,515.40 -1,532.90 -8.80%
Toiletries & Cosmetics $1,199,188,860 $1,007,394,910 $191,793,950 19.00% 14,271.80 13,007.40 1,264.40 9.70%
Apparel & Accessories $1,075,449,028 $1,030,222,567 $45,226,461 4.40% 20,847.40 21,511.00 (663.6)) -3.10%
Drugs & Remedies $1,042,774,262 $948,254,717 $94,519,545 10.00% 10,823.50 10,680.70 142.8 1.30%
Technology $1,017,942,824 $1,387,362,171 ($369,419,347) -26.60% 14,595.00 21,531.80 -6,936.80 -32.20%
Food & Food Products $985,927,035 $928,011,411 $57,915,624 6.20% 8,789.80 8,785.30 4.5 0.10%
Home Furnishings & Supplies $944,982,718 $937,144,098 $7,838,620 0.80% 12,346.20 13,000.30 -654.1 -5.00%
Direct Response Companies $911,021,608 $861,466,531 $49,555,077 5.80% 16,152.70 16,278.80 -126.1 -0.80%
Financial, Insurance & Real Estate $802,385,809 $937,776,127 $135,390,318 -14.40% 11,072.80 13,827.40 -2754.6 -19.90%
Media & Advertising $799,900,690 $927,710,448 ($127,809,758) -13.80% 9,823.80 12,450 -2,626.20 -21.10%
Retail $709,174,038 $853,275,165 ($144,101,127) -16.90% 12,538.30 15,721.50 -3,183.20 -20.20%
Transportation, Hotels & Resorts $643,923,926 $618,271,370 $25,652,556 4.10% 12,760.50 12,821.60 -61.1 -0.50%
Source: PIB 

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