
US Mags Industry In ‘Parlous’ State As Sales Dip For Second Year

US Mags Industry In ‘Parlous’ State As Sales Dip For Second Year

Revenue from magazine newsstand sales in the US fell by 1.2% to $4.4 billion in 2001, according to figures just released by Harrington Associates LLC and reported by the Wall Street Journal. The report says that this revenue is the lowest since 1996 and represents the first time that sales have fallen for two consecutive years.

In 2001 unit sales dropped by 6.5% to 1.5 billion and have fallen by 28% overall since 1996, says the WSJ. The paper describes the US magazine industry as being in a ‘parlous’ state, with sales dropping off, subscriptions hit by rising postal charges, in addition to the broad advertising recession affecting all media.

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