
US Online Shopping Looks Healthy For Christmas Period

US Online Shopping Looks Healthy For Christmas Period

Online shoppers will spend a record $9.9 billion in the US during the upcoming holiday season – a rise of 43% on the $6.9 billion spend of the previous year, according to forecasts from Nielsen//NetRatings.

The research company says that shoppers will buy products in 13 ecommerce categories and that more than 106 million people will shop online during December, a 27% growth, or 21 million extra people, when compared to 2000.

“This [growth] signals a solid outlook for e-tailers who will benefit from an even larger group of shoppers during the upcoming holiday season,” said Sean Kaldor, vice president of analytical services, NetRatings.

The optimistic forecast comes despite the broader economic and ‘psychological’ downturn that hit the US following the attacks of 11 September. Most analysts expected consumers’ minds to be off matters of ‘luxury’ consumption. “With more people shopping and buying online compared to last year, ecommerce activity is set to post respectable year-over-year growth, despite the effects of the economic slowdown and recent national events,” said Kaldor.

The estimates, which are based on historical online spending trends from the Nielsen//NetRatings and Harris Interactive eCommercePulse surveys, show that clothing and books, music and video are to be the most popular products bought via the Net this Christmas. However, it is the toys and games category which is showing driving growth this holiday season, up by 250% between August and December.

Top five categories ranked by estimated online spend, November/December 2001 
  Estimated online spend ($million) 
Apparel 2,445
Books/music/video 1,696
Auctions 1,364
Toys 1,053
Computer hardware 973
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings / Harris Interactive, 22/10/01 
Top five categories ranked by estimated traffic growth for 2001 holiday season 
  Estimated % growth (Aug-Dec 2001) 
Toys and games 250
Consumer electronics 113
Value-oriented sites 73
Virtual department stores 57
Apparel 46
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, 22/10/01 

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