
US Outdoor Advertising Sustains Growth Rate

US Outdoor Advertising Sustains Growth Rate

The US outdoor advertising industry maintained a 7.9% growth rate in the second quarter, equalling $2.2 billion in total ad dollars, according to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA).

This means that the industry has now sustained an 8% annual growth rate for several years in a row, with each quarter building on a growing base dollar amount.

The second quarter of 2007 saw increases in seven out of 10 categories–led by communications, which rose 38.5%, thanks to the booming business in mobile phones, PDAs and other personal devices, as well as competition between telecoms and cable companies. Automotive accessories and equipment grew 17.3%, while auto dealers and services rose 5.9%.

Outdoor continued to enjoy strong growth in the insurance and real-estate category with 13.9% growth, said the OAAA, despite a slump in the housing market.

The recent MediaTel Group seminar on the Future of Outdoor examined several key issues, including the state of digital outdoor advertising (see Digital Outdoor Debate Sparks Mixed Views), and agency engagement (see ‘Future Of Outdoor’ Seminar Examines Agency Engagement).

Adwanted UK is the trusted delivery partner for three essential services which deliver accountability, standardisation, and audience data for the out-of-home industry. Playout is Outsmart’s new system to centralise and standardise playout reporting data across all outdoor media owners in the UK. SPACE is the industry’s comprehensive inventory database delivered through a collaboration between IPAO and Outsmart. The RouteAPI is a SaaS solution which delivers the ooh industry’s audience data quickly and simply into clients’ systems. Contact us for more information on SPACE, J-ET, Audiotrack or our data engines.

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