
US Outdoor Revenues Grow In Q1 2001

US Outdoor Revenues Grow In Q1 2001

Outdoor spending in the US bucked the downturn to grow 2% in Q1 2001. Whilst this is hardly a huge increase, it is significant coming at a time when total ad spend for the period dropped by 5.5%.

The Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) reports that outdoor spending in the US grew to $1.25 billion for Q1 2001, an increase of 2% on the same period last year. An upturn in H2 2001 is expected and modest growth for outdoor of +2.5% for the year is forecast by OAAA.

“Outdoor offers exceptional value to advertisers seeking broadened awareness in addition to a myriad of venue choices and proven results,” said Diane Cimine, executive VP for marketing at OAAA. “The smart money is coming on board – and staying there – since low out of pocket expense and strong ROI is just what is needed now.”

2001 US Q1 Outdoor Advertising Expenditure Ranked By Total Spending 
  Jan-Mar 2001 ($m) % of total revenue Rank Jan-Mar 2000 ($m) Rank Q1 category growth (yoy) Q1 % change (yoy)
Local Services & Amusements 164,642.4 13.1 1 200,517.2 1 -35,874.8 -17.9
Public Transportation, Hotels & Resorts 149,181.5 11.9 2 125,477.0 2 23,704.5 18.9
Retail 126,193.8 10.1 3 121,786.5 3 4,407.3 3.6
Media & Advertising 104,455.2 8.3 4 91,032.3 4 13,422.9 14.7
Restaurants 99,798.0 8.0 5 89,802.2 5 9,995.8 11.1
Automotive Dealers & Services 85,692.4 6.8 6 84,881.5 6 810.9 1.0
Financial 69,362.3 5.5 7 59,048.0 7 10,314.3 17.5
Insurance & Real Estate 68,670.1 5.5 8 55,357.5 9 13,312.6 24.0
Telecommunications 62,755.2 5.0 9 56,587.7 8 6,167.5 10.9
Automotive, Accessories & Equipment 61,866.4 4.9 10 51,667.0 10 10,199.4 19.7
Total Top Ten Categories 992,617.3 79.1   936,156.9   56,460.4  
Source: OAAA              
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